Journal of endourology

Pathologic sampling of laparoscopically morcellated kidneys: a mathematical model.

Journal of endourology

Meng MV, Koppie TM, Stoller ML

Rethinking the role of urinary magnesium in calcium urolithiasis.

Journal of endourology

Schwartz BF, Bruce J, Leslie S, Stoller ML

Metabolic and urinary risk factors associated with Randall's papillary plaques.

Journal of endourology

Low RK, Stoller ML, Schreiber CK

Acalculous cystinuria.

Journal of endourology

Stoller ML, McDonald MW, Gentle DL, Bruce J, Low RK

Outcome assessment of double-J stents during extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of small solitary renal calculi.

Journal of endourology

Low RK, Stoller ML, Irby P, Keeler L, Elhilali M

Outcome assessment of double-J stents during extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of small solitary renal calculi.

Journal of endourology

Low RK, Stoller ML, Irby P, Keeler L, Elhilali M

Sodium fluoride dissolution of human calcium oxalate/phosphate stone particles.

Journal of endourology

Low RK, Ho S, Stoller ML

Sodium fluoride dissolution of human calcium oxalate/phosphate stone particles.

Journal of endourology

Low RK, Ho S, Stoller ML

Cost-effectiveness v patient preference in the choice of treatment for distal ureteral calculi: a literature-based decision analysis.

Journal of endourology

Wolf JS, Carroll PR, Stoller ML

Cost-effectiveness v patient preference in the choice of treatment for distal ureteral calculi: a literature-based decision analysis.

Journal of endourology

Wolf JS, Carroll PR, Stoller ML
